Join Us For
at Grace Lutheran Church
Easter Sunday April 20
7:00am Sunrise Service
8:00am Pancake Breakfast
9:30am Easter Egg Hunt
10:30am Blended Worship Service
We invite you to celebrate Easter with us! Our Sunrise Service will be outside (weather permitting). The Pancake Breakfast will be hosted by our Youth. Easter Egg Hunt will begin with a story in the sanctuary and then we will have the Egg Hunt. Our Blended Worship Service will have all of us together to hear how Christ is Risen and that He is present in our lives today.
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Sunday April 20 at 9:30am
Free Family Event. We will start in the sanctuary with an Easter Story and song. We will then have our Egg Hunt. This is free and open to the community!
Good Friday Service
Friday April 18 at 7:00pm
You’re invited to this moving Good Friday Tenebrae Service. “Tenebrae” is Latin for “darkness.” The service is based around 7 Scripture readings and it gets darker throughout the service, symbolizing the darkness that Jesus experienced on the Cross.
Maundy Thursday
Thursday April 17 at 7pm
As we join Jesus on the journey to the cross, we now sit with Him and His disciples in the Upper Room. This service will contain a contemplation on Christ’s acts of service for us and we will have Holy Communion together.
Palm Sunday
Sunday April 13
8:00am Traditional Service
9:20am Sunday School (All Ages)
10:30am Blended Service
We begin Holy Week with a celebration to welcome our King Jesus. You’re invited to be part of this unique service where we give honor to God.