Lenten Midweek Service
Dinner at 6pm (Freewill Offering)
Worship at 7pm
Join us as we continue our sermon series “The Hand of the Lord.”

Lenten Midweek Service
Dinner at 6pm (Freewill Offering)
Worship at 7pm
Join us as we continue our sermon series “The Hand of the Lord.”

Palm Sunday
We begin Holy Week with a celebration to welcome our King Jesus. You’re invited to be part of this unique service where we give honor to God.

Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday - “Guided to Service: Romans 7:6”
In this service for Maundy Thursday, Jesus washes the disciples’ feet in service to them on his way to Calvary. In word and song, we contemplate how to live lives of service to others, guided by Christ and the cross.

Good Friday
Join us for a very moving service that will focus on the benefit of what Christ did for us on the Cross. He “poured out” his love for us on the cross and we receive that real promise today.

Easter Sunday Worship
Join for us Easter Sunday!
7am Sunrise Service
8am Pancake Breakfast
9:30am Easter Egg Hunt
10:30am Easter Worship Service

Easter Egg Hunt
Join us for a FREE Easter Egg Hunt. A Fun Family Event that will include a story time, egg hunt, and refreshments after.

Lenten Midweek Service
Dinner at 6pm (Freewill Offering)
Worship at 7pm
Join us as we continue our sermon series “The Hand of the Lord.”

Lenten Midweek Service
Dinner at 6pm (Freewill Offering)
Worship at 7pm
Join us as we continue our sermon series “The Hand of the Lord.”

Lenten Midweek Service
Dinner at 6pm (Freewill Offering)
Worship at 7pm
Join us as we continue our sermon series “The Hand of the Lord.”