
Sunday School

We have Sunday School all year. We start in the Sanctuary with everyone and then split into age groups. High school students meet in the youth room, and 7th-8th graders meet in the middle school room. You can register for Sunday School online now!

Confirmation and Midweek

During the school year, we have Wednesday night midweek. Confirmation meets at 6:30pm.

Youth Night

During the school year, High Schoolers meet on Sunday evenings for a time of fellowship and study God’s Word.

LCMS Youth Gathering

Once every 3 years, our church body’s high schoolers get together for a week. The next upcoming Gathering is in 2025 in New Orleans.

Pioneer Camp

Every summer we attend Pioneer Camp at Camp Lone Star in La Grange, TX. This is a week long intensive time for students to get away from their regular routine and connect with peers their age. They participate in challenge courses, games, activities and spend a good amount of time in prayer and devotions.


Stay up to date on our youth events and activities. Check the church calendar for upcoming events and sign up for our Remind App, which will allow you to stay informed on our upcoming events.

Youth Calendar